More PSoC 5LP boards on the way!
July 6, 2015I really like my FreeSoC2 board as well as the pioneer. But to be honest the large physical size of the FreeSoc 2 can be a downside sometimes. Right now I am constructing a prototype for an autonomous navigation system which I would like to able to fit in a very small space for being able to try it with different rovers and USV:s. But how do you solve that? Well as I can’t really split the FreeSoC board in half I needed to look for better solutions. Ordering a custom board would be possible but then I would instead need to put a lot of time into designing the hardware and then assembling the SMT components. Though luckily Cypress has designed a product that will hopefully solve this problem for me in a cheap and easy way!
The CY8CKIT-059 is an extremely cheap (\$10!!!!) PSoC5 LP development board with a tiny footprint. It measures only 97.5 X 24 mm and can be made even smaller if you snap off the debugger area.
Even though it’s a tiny board it still features a Cortex M3 CY8C5888 MCU as powerful as the one on the FreeSoC2 board as well as a KitProg programmer/debugger which can be detached from the main board. Though due to the limited size available it does not have as many I/O-pins available as the FreeSoC2 board but for most projects it will be more than enough.
I just ordered 3 of the above boards to see how they are to work with. I will write more about it when I’m able to put them to use!